Where the Sheep Sleep
COVID-19 update March 2021
To our dearest Sheep of the virtual realm
Perhaps not surprising, though still completely heartbreaking to announce:
No matter what angle we look at it, there is no way we can realistically organize an event of our (modest) size. Safety 3rd, we know, but really, safety 1st.
So, for the 2nd time now, we have to postpone our annual summer event: Where the Sheep Sleep.
While we long for a large-scale event to reconnect us, the wellbeing of the Dutch & International Burner Community remains our highest priority.
The Dutch Burner community has been known to make magic in the past. For now, we ask you to reach out to each other and find magic in the unexpected mini moments. We’re doing the same and keeping you all close in our hearts and in our dreams. We will Burn again soon.
As our cherished Community, we thank you for your immense patience and your willingness to remain hopeful of a future including REAL HUGS, not virtual ones.
The squashiest squeeziest virtual hug,

For all your questions
Why has Burning Man Netherlands decided to cancel The Sheep 2020?
Many factors were in play in our decision. Most importantly the health and wellbeing of our dear burners. We watch how the Corona virus keeps hold on countries across the world and the complete uncertainty on when it eventually will calm down. There was no realistic scenario imaginable, and believe us we tried, where we got the permit and can be absolutely certain our Sheep cuddle puddle wouldn’t pose a risk for a new contagion.
Why don’t you wait out and see what happens? The event isn’t until 3 months.
True, and a lot can change in 3 months, as we have witnessed these past weeks. As much as it hurts to halt these plans, we believe it’s better to have clarity now, than postponing for what we believe will be, the inevitable.
Dreamcamps making plans, renting tents and investing time and money, artists working on engaging art, performers clearing their schedule for The Sheep. And over a thousand eager participants getting ready on their gifts and contributions. We believe these times ask for a better direction for all this love and energy… Like taking care of friends and family.
Why don’t you decide to postpone to another date later this year?
It has been a considered alternative. Because, just like all of you, we too just… want… to Burn with you..!
However, postponing to e.g. September would bring a slew of new challenges to face. Being the opening of the cultural season, we wouldn’t want to ask artists to choose between a paid gig or a gifted performance at The Sheep.
And, similarly if we cannot host the Sheep in June, we wouldn’t have certainty to be able to host it in September. And with it keeping the uncertainty going.
We are convinced that beautiful things will happen once our lockdowns are lifted. Burners are a resilient and creative bunch who thrive on adversaries. We anticipate a lot of new, smaller initiatives, contra burns and precompressions, popping up left and right. And we support all of them, but Burning Man Netherlands will focus on Dutch Decompression and The Sheep 2021.
Can me and my camp still go to Zeewolde?
No. Our Dutch playa is private property owned by Scouting Nederland. We have an excellent relationship with them as we rent this area for our burn. If you were to go by yourself, you will be trespassing and jeopardizing our relationship and chance to come back in 2021. So no, you can’t.
Is my ticket valid for next year?
Next year was better anyway, right? Happy to tell you, you have already secured your ticket for next year! Congratulations! No ‘sold out’ stress, no waiting lines. You’re in!
We will send a newsletter to all ticket buyers on what to do.
Can I get a refund for my tickets?
If you don’t want to join next year, or need a refund, you can.. Keep an eye out for our newsletter with all the information on how to get a refund. We do want to encourage you to stick with us though, by holding on to your ticket for next year. This saves us effort and unnecessary expenses and helps us build a stronger and more beautiful Sheep next year.
Are you guys okay?
Honestly, no. Our baby, our yearly celebration of art, music, comradery and love has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
A dedicated team of almost 30 people have been working hard to make sure this Sheep would be another amazing experience. Cancelling it, crushed our hopes of making this dream a reality. So there is nothing left for us to do than just that: Keeping on dreaming… Together…